
Vorlesewettbewerb 2018

Sekundarstufe. Seit 60 Jahren lesen in Deutschland Schüler der 6. Klassen um die Wette. An der DSM war es am Freitag, den 2. November 2018 gleich in der ersten Stunde so weit. Die Schüler der 7. Klassen waren zum ersten Mal die Organisatoren dieses Wettbewerbs. Sofort im Anschluss an die Veranstaltung entstand der folgende Bericht im Englischunterricht:

The Tale of the 4 Brave Readers – Reading Competition 2018

We feel relieved that our competition was a success. This Friday, November 2, in the first two lessons the event took place. The year 5 and 6 were invited to listen to the four winners of year 6 Inka Snell, Daniela de Lasala, Melanie Hermann and Lauren Grüniger. First of all they read parts from their favorite books and afterwards a part from the book Tom Sawyer which was very hard to read but also super entertaining. The highlight during the reading breaks was the presentation of the podcasts of our year group which we did on Goethe’s Zauberlehrling. After that the audience and our jury, last year’s winner Emma Bivetski and the teachers Mrs. Ignatowa, Mr Schneider and Miss Twenty, chose their favorite reader. The tough competition was won by Melanie Hermann from 6b but of course everybody got a price and a certificate and hopefully everyone liked the event.

For us preparing the event was a big challenge but the teamwork of 7a and 7b was also a lot of fun. However, a huge thanks goes out to our German teachers Mrs. Schädlich, Mrs. Beiküfner and Mrs. Niederl-Garber for supporting us. If we organized the event one more time, we would decorate the assembly hall a bit more and think of some more activities for the audience. Our most important tipp for the next organizers is that they should use their time for preparing much better because otherwise it’s crazy stressful.

Emilia, Sonya, Alexander, Theo und Linda, 7b (geschrieben im Englisch-Unterricht bei Miss 20)